National Voter Registration Day

Today is National Voter Registration Day!!

Go to to check your registration. The rules are different in every state. Put early voting days or vote-by-mail deadlines on your calendar. #WethePeople #Democracy #NationalVoter Registration Day

Martin Luther King Jr. was no fan of the filibuster – The Washington Post

Congress must pass voting rights legislation. #JohnLewisVotingRightsAct

“I think the tragedy is that we have a Congress with a Senate that has a minority of misguided senators who will use the filibuster to keep the majority of people from even voting. They won’t let the majority senators vote. And certainly they wouldn’t want the majority of people to vote, because they know they do not represent the majority of the American people. In fact, they represent, in their own states, a very small minority.”

Source: Martin Luther King Jr. was no fan of the filibuster – The Washington Post

Texas voting bill signed into law by Gov. Greg Abbott | The Texas Tribune

“While SB 1 makes some changes that could expand access, namely increasing early voting hours in smaller, mostly Republican counties, the new law otherwise restricts how and when voters cast ballots. It specifically targets voting initiatives used by diverse, Democratic Harris County, the state’s most populous, by banning overnight early voting hours and drive-thru voting — both of which proved popular among voters of color last year.”  Source: Texas voting bill signed into law by Gov. Greg Abbott | The Texas Tribune  

Millennial Civil Rights’ Get Out The Vote Project Seeks To Maintain Momentum | 90.1 FM WABE

This is what it looks like to move #FromProtestToPower. #Georgia #Election2020

“With the deadline to register to vote in the January U.S. Senate races winding down in a week, there’s a major push from some Get Out the Vote organizations to especially get 18- to 29-year-olds on the books and registered to vote. The Georgia secretary of state’s office reports in the last four years, registration”

Source: Millennial Civil Rights’ Get Out The Vote Project Seeks To Maintain Momentum | 90.1 FM WABE

Trump Lawsuits Target Votes In Largely Black Cities, Alarm Civil Rights Groups : NPR

The Republican lawsuits have been in large part a complete failure.  Lest we forget, these lawsuits aimed to disenfranchise voters in predominate people of color cities.  This is voter suppression and discrimination.  #votersuppression

“Black voters in Detroit, Philadelphia, Milwaukee, and Atlanta were crucial to Joe Biden’s victory. Those are also the places where President Trump’s campaign has targeted its legal efforts.”

Source: Trump Lawsuits Target Votes In Largely Black Cities, Alarm Civil Rights Groups : NPR

Biden’s Administration Will Have A Lot Of Work To Do Addressing Civil Rights : NPR

As a former Deputy Chief in the DOJ Civil Rights Division, Voting Section, I can attest that the Biden administration has tremendous work to do to restore public confidence and increase institutional morale.

“Former leaders in the Justice Department’s civil rights division say the Biden team will have a heavy lift on its hands.”

Source: Biden’s Administration Will Have A Lot Of Work To Do Addressing Civil Rights : NPR